Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

Is it Real? - Love Worth Finding - November 12

—Is it Real?


Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up. James 4:10

Have you ever wondered what humility is all about? True humility is not thinking negatively about yourself. It is agreeing with what God says about you. You need to recognize your righteousness in Christ. Ephesians 1:1 says, “Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus.”

Let me tell you something, friend. If you are in Christ Jesus, that is, if you have received Christ as your personal Savior, repented of your sin, trusted Christ, been baptized by the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ, been saved—then God says you are a saint.

The grace of God will exalt a person without inflating him and humble a person without debasing him. I am what I am because of Christ. In this life, you are not going to be sinless, but as you deal with sin in your life, you can come closer to being free from sin. Sinless? No. Blameless? Yes.

As you confess and stay prayed up, you can be blameless. Do you have a concordance in your Bible? Do a study on the subject of “humility.” Start with Philippians 2:5-11.

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