Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

Do You Know Where You Are? - Love Worth Finding - November 16

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November 16, 2024 – Do You Know Where You Are?
Psalm 62:8
Sermon: 2195 Five Principles of Prosperity, Part 2

Pray Over This

“Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.”
Psalm 62:8

Ponder This

If someone were from out of town and called me and said, “Adrian, we’re in town. We want to come by and see you. How do we get to your house?” The first question I would ask that person is, where are you now? I ask this question because I cannot give my friend directions to my house unless I can help him establish where he is right now. You can’t get to where you need to be until you understand where you are. We need to take an inventory of ourselves to find out where we are.

We need to think through our problems. We need to pray and search our hearts to understand where we are in our souls. You have to ask yourself, “What is standing between me and God? What are the obstacles? What are the roadblocks?” The roadblocks don’t mean God is not with you. There are difficulties. The door to the room of opportunity swings on the hinges of opposition—problems in God’s hands are just opportunities. We need to reverse our thinking. In whatever area of life you’ve got problems, thank God for those areas and talk to Him about the problems. He can open the doors of opportunity. We need to know where we are and share that with God before we can go anywhere new.

  • What is hard about being honest with God about where you are?
  • What are some things going on in your life right now that you haven’t talked to God about?

Practice This

Write down in a journal or on a sheet of paper where you are in your walk with God. List some potential obstacles and roadblocks between you and God.

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