Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

You Can Be Perfectly Clean - Love Worth Finding - November 21

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November 21, 2023 – You Can Be Perfectly Clean
1 John 1:9
Sermon: 2285 Guard Your Heart, Part 1

Pray Over This

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
1 John 1:9

Ponder This

I used to pastor in Fellsmere, Florida. There’s a sugar mill there, and I would go witness to the men at the sugar mill. They had a big garage there where they fixed the tractors and other equipment. One of the members of my church ran that big garage machine shop. His shop was not what you would expect. The floors were clean and slick. There was no trash, nothing just laying around. There was no grease. Everything was clean. The tools were all put up in a certain place.

I looked at that place, and I stood in awe of how clean it was because it was a machine shop. Then I noticed something unusual. That man had painted every corner of that machine shop snow white. I asked him about it. I said, “Why are the corners white?” He said, “I found out that if you keep the corners white, you can keep the rest of the shop clean.” He wouldn’t allow anybody to put anything in a corner. Keep the corners of your mind clean. Don’t just try to clean up the main part. Keep it all perfectly clean. Let God make you perfectly clean.

The question is, do you long to be perfectly clean? Would you like to say there is nothing between your soul and the Savior? That is the starting point.

  • Have you allowed Christ to “clean the corners” of your heart? Why or why not?
  • What is a corner in your life God wants to clean?

Practice This

Have a time of reflection, confession, and repentance, considering what areas of your heart need to be cleaned by Christ.

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