Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

When You Vote Today, Follow 5 Principles... - Love Worth Finding - November 6

When you vote today, follow 5 principles….


“Therefore, to Him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” James 4:17

You’re going to vote before long. I trust God every one of you willvote.  Dr. Francis Schaeffer, brilliant mind, one of the foremost Christian thinkers of our time, has given 5 principles to keep in mind when you vote. These principles don’t deal with personalities or parties. They are principles.

1. The dignity of human life.

2. The importance of the traditional family.

3. Religious freedom of speech in schools, both public and private.

4. Human rights and the need for justice in our world.

5. The compassionate use of accumulated wealth.

These five principles ought to be in the heart and mind of every child of God. Pray over these and based on God’s Word make your determination . God will give you wisdom in this matter.

Pray it from your heart, “God, bless America, and God, give us space to repent.  And may the one of Your choosing be elected President to lead us.”  Remember, “to him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin.”

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