Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

Does Your Life Help or Hurt the Cause of Christ? - Love Worth Finding - October 22

Does Your Life Help or Hurt the Cause of Christ?

October 22

“How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?” Romans 10:14

You are either a helper or a hurter when it comes to reaching the world for Christ. Why? Because, like “Big Brother,” the world is watching your “Sunday-go-to-church” behavior and wondering how it compares to your behavior the rest of the week.

Do they see you giving your time and resources to help them when they’re hurting? Do they witness how you treat your family? Or how you entertain your friends? Or do you even know their names?

The greatest argument for Christ and the greatest argument against Christ is the life of a Christian. Hymn writer Philip P. Bliss penned, “Let the lower lights be burning! Send a gleam across the wave! Some poor fainting struggling seaman You may rescue, you may save.”

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