Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

More Than One Reason to Live by God’s Principles - Love Worth Finding - October 25

More Than One Reason to Live by God’s Principles

October 25

“For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.” 1 Thessalonians 4:7

A former president of the American Psychiatric Association said, “Premarital sex relationships resulting from the so-called new morality have greatly increased the number of young people in mental hospitals.”

Dr. Billy Graham said he talked to the head psychiatrist at one of our great universities. At that time he said, “Over fifty percent of the students at that university are suffering psychological problems because of immoral relationships.”

Friend, why does God tell us to live a pure and holy life? It’s not only so that we can have fellowship with Him, but also it is for our own mental health! He knows holiness brings life to our bones, healing to our hearts, and joy to our steps!

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