"Artist at Work"—on Your Life - Love Worth Finding - September 22
“Artist at Work”—on Your Life
September 22
Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6
In Scotland some men were sitting around drinking tea and swapping fishing stories. One man, with a flamboyant gesture of his hand, knocked another man’s hand, splattering his tea on the white plastered wall, creating an ugly brown stain. He was horrified, but the man said, “Never mind.” And he started to sketch around that stain. Suddenly there emerged a royal stag with his antlers spread.
The artist was Sir Edwin Landseer—England’s foremost painter of animals. He was able to take that old stain and make something beautiful out of it.
Jesus Christ is that kind of an artist. He can take a life that has been stained, and by His transforming power He can make something beautiful out of it.
For more from Love Worth Finding and Pastor Adrian Rogers, please visit www.lwf.org.
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