Adrian Rogers' Daily Devotionals

At the Feet of Jesus - Love Worth Finding - September 8

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September 8, 2022 – At the Feet of Jesus 

Ruth 3:4 

Sermon: 2089 – Five Ways to Draw Closer to Jesus 

Concept: The most sacred place on Earth is at the feet of Jesus when you are fully committed to Him. 

Pray Over This 

“Then it shall be, when he lies down, that you shall notice the place where he lies; and you shall go in, uncover his feet, and lie down; and he will tell you what you should do.” 

Ruth 3:4 

Ponder This 

We should be careful not to misinterpret Ruth’s actions here. There was nothing improper, dirty, or impure. She was placing herself at Boaz’s feet under his protection. In Ruth 3:9 she requested that Boaz take her under his wing. She was saying, “I place myself under your protection; I am fully committed to you!” 

Question: Can you have an intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ if you’re not fully committed to Him? The answer is no. Is Christ Lord? I must ask myself every one of these questions. Have I placed myself at the feet of my Redeemer? The most sacred place on Earth is not in the pew, not at the altar, not behind the pulpit, not some temple somewhere. The most sacred place on Earth is at the feet of Jesus when you are fully committed to Him. 

  • What does it mean to place yourself at the feet of Jesus?
  • How do you need to further commit yourself to Him today?

Practice This 

Take time in prayer today to posture yourself at the feet of Jesus. Consider changing your physical posture to display this act of humility by kneeling if you are able.

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