To Refuse Christ is to Reject Christ - Love Worth Finding - September 1
September 1, 2022 – To Refuse Christ is to Reject Christ
Sermon: 2086 – It Is Decision that Determines Destiny
Pray Over This
“He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad.”
Ponder This
I was witnessing on the streets of Pensacola, Florida, one time, and I saw two girls I’d never seen before. I said, “May I have a moment of your time?” They said, “Yes.” And I explained the Gospel of Jesus Christ to these two young ladies. They both seemed to be under conviction, so I asked one young lady, “Would you like to pray and ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart and be your Lord and Savior today?” She said, “Yes I would,” and I prayed with her, and she gave her heart to Jesus. And then I asked the other young lady, “Would you like to receive Christ as your personal Savior and Lord?” She said, “I’m not ready to do that right now.” I said, “Well, now is the accepted time. There’ll never be a better time, and why don’t you give your heart to Jesus?” She said, “I just don’t want to make a decision right now.” I said, “Well, listen, if you don’t accept Christ, you’re rejecting Christ.” “Oh,” she said, “I would never reject Christ.” She didn’t understand that to refuse Christ is to reject Christ. Not to accept Him is to deny Him. And today, you’ll either say, yes or no to Jesus Christ. Do you understand that?
- What does it mean that if you are not with Jesus, you are against Him?
- How does every person have a decision to make regarding Jesus?
Practice This
Have a conversation with another person regarding the decision everyone has to make with Jesus.
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