PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Power Point - Dec. 8, 2006

December 8, 2006


The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”



--Exodus 14:14


The great missionary David Livingston once said, “I’ll go anywhere, as long as it’s forward.” That’s the attitude that Christ wants us to have in our relationship with Him. For a believer, if we are growing spiritually, there really is no other way to go but forward!


People who step out in faith and make a difference for Christ don’t fade away or move backward, but press forward in the name and power of Christ. Many times it is our own fear and lack of faith that keep us moving sideways or even back into sin.


But our God is the God of the impossible! He can give you the strength to advance even against the toughest foes. Just as the Lord fought for Israel against the Egyptian army, He’ll fight for you.  God cleared the way for Moses and the Israelites to cross the Red Sea, and He took care of Pharaoh’s forces. All the Israelites had to do was move out in faith.


Whenever you’re having a Red Sea experience of your own when your back is against the wall, God is ready to part the waters and fight the battle for you if you will just step out in obedient faith. Set your mind and heart to follow Him—and watch Him part waters in your life that threaten to trap you or swallow you up!


The formula is really pretty simple.  First believe God in your heart, and then obey Him with your feet. Have you ever gone forward into turbulent waters, only to see God open them up and make a dry path for you to follow? Recall the thrill of that faith-building moment today, and ask God to help you do it again.