Power Point - July 31, 2006
July 31, 2006
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.
--Proverbs 1:7
Several years ago I had the opportunity to take a trip back to the place of my birth in
When I visited the small house I grew up in, I realized that my family didn’t have air conditioning or even the internet when I grew up there in the 1950s! And while our home might not have been considered a “smart” home by today’s standards, our family was pretty wise.
It was wise because I had a grandfather and parents who understood the principles of God’s Word and passed those principles along to our family.
The first principle they passed along to me was that wise families fear the Lord.
Someone described the fear of the Lord as love on its knees. To fear God is to be filled with awestruck, awe-inspired devotion to God…to be surrendered to the wonder of His love and His grace.
Teaching your children to respect and revere authority is vital—and you must start by teaching them to respect and revere God’s authority in their lives.