Jack Graham Devotional - Powerpoint Daily Devotions

<< PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Power Point - June 9, 2006

June 9, 2006


Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


--Matthew 28:19


You and I are called to take our Lord and His love and message of salvation to others. We’re not only called, we’re commanded to do this. And as soldiers under authority, our Commander-in-Chief has given us our clear instructions!


Matthew 28:19 is the Great Commission. It’s not the great suggestion. It’s not an option, but a clear command of our King of kings and our Commander-in-Chief.


And all of us, therefore, are called and commissioned to share the faith we have in Jesus Christ in a relational and natural way.


Friend, you don’t have to be a polished speaker or a winning debater or a trained theologian in order to share your faith.


Let’s just suppose you were cured of a fatal disease. And because you were
cured, wouldn’t you tell everyone you knew who had this same disease about the doctor and the medicine that cured you?


Of course you would! You’d be so thrilled, so excited about what had happened to you that you couldn’t possibly keep it to yourself. To keep it to yourself at that point would be one of the most selfish acts in the world.


As believers, all of us have been cured of the fatal disease called sin! And the doctor who cured us is Dr. Jesus.


And Dr. Jesus, by the power of His blood, which cleanses us from every sin, has changed our hearts. And because we have been transformed by the love and
grace of God, we can and should tell others!




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