Power Point - March 27, 2007
March 27, 2007
Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”
--Genesis 2:23
Marriage is not some humanly devised idea that someone came up with one day. God Himself ordained man and woman to join together in complete union of body and spirit. The Bible teaches that man and woman were made for one another right from the start!
God’s ideal for marriage is one man and one woman together for a lifetime. Anything else is a perversion and an alteration to His original plan. But despite the clarity of Scripture on this issue, the world continually tries to change and amend the concept of marriage to accommodate it to the latest cultural trends and ideas.
We human beings have a strong need for companionship. God put that desire and need in us, and He created marriage for the fulfillment of that desire. Man and woman were designed to share their lives together.
Marriage at its best is a companionship on many levels. It is a spiritual companionship in which the partners grow and support one another. Marriage is also a psychological union in which each partner knows and loves the other. And marriage is also a physical companionship, for the pleasure and enjoyment of one another.
Isn’t it interesting that in Genesis God pronounced each day of His creation as “good”? The only part that was “not good” was the aloneness of the man. Marriage is God’s idea and God’s plan to fill that emptiness. Don’t let anyone else tell you what marriage should be. Go back to the Word of God for your marriage instructions.