Power Point - May 2, 2005
Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,
But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.
--Proverbs 31:30
A few years ago, I had the opportunity to interview a fine lady in our church who is an author. Jane Jarrell is the author of many books, but one that is particularly good on motherhood is titled, Mom Matters. When I was interviewing her, I came across this:
25 Things Mom’s Need Most:
A sanity check More energy
To know that I am normal A break
To know that I am a good mother A nap
Acceptance Adult conversation
Encouragement A best friend
Support Someone to understand how I feel
Time A housekeeper
Time with my husband A secretary
Time off A nanny
Time alone A dishwasher that loads itself and vacuum
Time with God that cleans by remote control
Patience A vacation
Friends To know that being a mother is important
A mother’s legacy! There is great significance and importance of being a mom in this generation. When God created the first man, Adam, and placed him in the garden, He then created out of Adam’s side a woman. She burst forth and under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, God gave Adam the responsibility of naming this beautiful creature. Adam named the woman Eve, or Eva, which means mother.
Interesting, isn’t it? He didn’t name her wife, but instead he named her mother of all of the living. “Mother” has been called the sweetest name this side of heaven. As we discover the importance of mothers this week moving closer to this day of celebration, let us first begin by realizing the great worth of this responsibility. Start by praying for Christian mothers everywhere, that they would leave a legacy of faith and follow the wisdom and guidance of God’s Holy Word.