Jack Graham Devotional - Powerpoint Daily Devotions

<< PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Power Point - November 30, 2004


November 30, 2004


“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in…”

-Revelation 3:20


Many Christians in Germany knew that Hitler was evil, but they said nothing and did nothing. As a result, we know the result of the Second World War—it was the horrific events that went along with what we know as the Holocaust. I wonder if the church had said something and had been a voice in that culture, could it have made a difference?


While the church has a political and social responsibility, our primary responsibility is to glorify Jesus Christ and to worship Him. There are some that want to turn their churches into political machines, but that isn’t the primary purpose of the church. The fact is that we’re not Republicans or Democrats, but instead we’re just Christians. The purpose of the church of Christ is to keep our vision and focus on the Lord Jesus Christ.


I tell you this to say that we are still to be salt and light as the body of Christ in our communities. We are to have a prophetic voice in our culture and society. Unfortunately, you can go to many churches today and not even hear the name of Jesus mentioned in the sermon. There was a church, in the book of Revelation known as the church at Laodicea. In Revelation 3:20, Jesus is pictured standing and knocking at the door of the church.


Oftentimes, this text is used to invite people to Jesus Christ. He is portrayed as knocking at the door of one’s heart and they must welcome Him in. While this portrayal is true, this specific text shows that Christ is outside the church trying to get in. This is a picture, I believe, of this generation of churches. Jesus is shut out. The focus of any church that calls itself spiritual should be a Jesus-focused church where His name, His Word, His Gospel, His love, and His grace are proclaimed.


If we, as the people of God, do not speak from a biblical worldview about what the Bible says about how we are to live our lives then who on earth is going to speak? Who’s going to talk about these things? The church of Jesus Christ certainly has a responsibility in society to speak to the issues that confront us. We are to tell the culture of the Word of God and share Christ with those who are lost. I say again, if we don’t do it, who will?





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