Jack Graham Devotional - Powerpoint Daily Devotions

<< PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Power Point - November 5, 2004


November 5, 2004


Hear my prayer, O Lord,

And let my cry come to You.

Do not hide Your face from me in the day of my trouble;

Incline your ear to me;
In the day that I call, answer me speedily.

                                                  --Psalm 102:1-2


Loneliness is a reality—then and now.


There was a time when there was a skinflint who lived in the city of Jericho. His name was Zaccheus—just a little man. Yet he was a big man to himself and the people of the city. He was a tax collector, and he made it a habit to cheat people and steal from them. So he wasn’t the most popular man. I’m sure that even his own family disliked Zaccheus.


But he heard that Jesus was coming to town, and you know the rest of the story. He climbed up in a sycamore tree. The crowd gathered around and no doubt pushed Zaccheus out of the way. So he shimmied up that tree to the top and looked out across the crowd for Jesus as he passed by.


To the amazement of the little man, Jesus stopped, looked up at him, and said, “Zaccheus, come down for I need to come to your house today.”


Jesus called his name! He actually said his name! Zaccheus must have thought to himself, “He knows me. He knows my name! And he needs me!”


Isn’t that wonderful to know about the Lord? The psalmist said, “I feel like a sparrow alone on a rooftop.” And yet Jesus said when any sparrow falls, God knows. He knows the very number of hairs on our head. That’s the kind of Savior we have.


My friend, you are someone very special in the sight of the Lord and loved very much. In your loneliness, cry out to the Lord and He will hear! Practice the presence of Jesus daily in your life, learn to fellowship with Him in prayer and by claiming the promises of His Word, focus on serving others, practice present enjoyment, and get involved in church in a meaningful way finding yourself a place of ministry. God wants to use you because you are precious in His sight, so trust in Him during your lonely days.





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