PowerPoint - Apr. 21, 2010
You can't hide your sin
April 21, 2010
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
--1 John 1:9
What is sin? Have you ever thought about it?
Well, the Scripture offers numerous descriptions of sin. It's described as disease and destruction, as a stain, and as a separation from God's presence. So not surprisingly, sin has devastating effects. Look at the effect that unconfessed sin had on King David.
No one loved God more than David. But he was overtaken by lust when he saw Bathsheba bathing, and he committed adultery. And his sin didn't stop there. Later, when it was discovered that she was pregnant with David's child, he arranged the murder of Bathsheba's husband, Uriah, who was one of his generals.
For more than a year, David tried to hide his sin. But it took a toll on David's mind and emotions. He was riddled with guilt. His sinful acts dominated his thoughts. David said, "My sin is ever before me." He couldn't escape his stinging conscience.
It wasn't until God confronted David through the prophet Nathan that he finally confessed his sin and began the journey to restoration.
Are you suffering from sin's devastating effects? Is your sin ever before you? There is only one answer. Run to God and confess your sin!
Resist the temptation to hide it. And God will forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness.
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