PowerPoint - Aug. 12, 2009
Is God’s passion your purpose?
August 12, 2009
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and whoever captures souls is wise.
--Proverbs 11:30
Today I’d like to ask you a very direct question.
Do you care more about money than you care about God?
I know that’s not a very comfortable question to answer. But I wanted to ask you this today because it’s so easy to lose sight of God… especially when you’re pursuing worldly things.
But think back over your life. Can you remember a time when you had less money, but more of God? Your pocketbook might have been leaner, but your soul was fuller.
Those feelings were there because affluence is never the answer to anything. Jesus says that even if you and I could have the world and everything in it, our souls would still not be satisfied.
And here’s why: Your soul was not made for this world. You were made for God. And you were designed to make God’s passion your purpose. And God’s passion is capturing souls for the Kingdom of heaven!
Now, you may be thinking that you’ll get around to it someday. Maybe when things slow down at work, then you’ll get focused on your faith. Or when you’re older and through partying, maybe then you’ll start living for God. But the more you neglect your soul, the colder it will grow toward the things of God.
Don’t let your love for Jesus wax cold. Purpose it in your heart to make God’s passion your purpose today!
For more from PowerPoint Ministries and Dr. Jack Graham, please visit www.jackgraham.org
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Dear Friend,
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