PowerPoint - Aug. 27, 2010
Ten Principles to bless your marriage
August 27, 2010
Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.
--1 Peter 4:8
I want to share some personal and practical words with you on how to keep your marriage together when the whole world is trying to tear it apart. These are principles that my wife Deb and I have lived by for forty years. I hope they'll bless your marriage, as well.
1. Build a strong spiritual foundation for your marriage. Without Christ, marriage is at best 50-50. Build your foundation upon Christ Jesus and you will stay together.
2. Build some protective boundaries around your home and around your marriage.
3. Build a friendship in your marriage. You may be tempted to divorce a wife or husband, but it's almost impossible to divorce your best friend.
4. Assume personal responsibility for your marriage. Don't expect the other person to do all the work on your marriage. Both of you should work 100 percent.
5. Be honest and transparent with one another.
6. Resolve conflict immediately. If you don't deal with conflict immediately, it grows into bitterness. Don't be afraid to get counseling.
7. Act in kindness towards one another all of your life.
8. Seek accountability, starting with one another.
9. Minimize the weaknesses and maximize the strengths of your mate.
10. Laugh together. Make sure there's laughter in the walls of your home. Make memories to enjoy forever.
If you want your love to last a lifetime, stay strong in Christ. Work through your challenges, and commit your marriage to his glory!
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