PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

PowerPoint - August 23, 2011


How to raise your children to know the Lord

August 23, 2011

Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Ephesians 6:4

As a pastor, I speak almost daily with parents who are failing at one of their most important assignments in life: being a dad to their children. These are people who are successful in their careers, astute in their businesses, prestigious in their communities, and leaders in their churches. And yet, they are failures at home.

In most instances in life, you can fail and start over again. If you fail at business, perhaps you can start your business over and succeed. If you fail in school, you can start over and succeed. But in raising children, there’s just one opportunity to succeed or to fail. You have just one opportunity to successfully parent the precious children God has given you.

There are so many fathers and mothers today who don’t realize the poor spiritual state of their children until it’s too late. They’ve assumed that their kids would just pick up on their spirituality and haven’t ever really made an attempt to instruct them in the things of the Lord.

Only God can light the fire of faith in a child’s heart. But until that day, your role as a father or mother is to simply pile up the wood so that fire can burn bright when it’s lit!


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Jack Graham