PowerPoint - Dec. 22, 2009
The God who saves
December 22, 2009
"She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins."
--Matthew 1:21
There's no story in Scripture as wondrous and as miraculous as the story of Jesus coming to earth. I like to call it God's "glorious impossible" mission to rescue mankind.
You see, without Christ, mankind was completely helpless. We couldn't pull ourselves up by our spiritual bootstraps. There was nothing we could do to save ourselves. We had broken God's commandments, and sin separated us from God eternally. There was nothing that we could do to merit God's grace or forgiveness.
But while we were helpless to save ourselves, we weren't hopeless. Jesus' glorious impossible mission was our salvation!
In Luke 19:10, Jesus said this about his purpose, "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost." His mission was to "seek and to save"! In fact, his very name, Jesus, means "God will save"!
Apart from Jesus, we would face certain judgment. Apart from our Savior, there is nothing but death. But Jesus came to turn our despair into hope, our sorrow and sadness into joy, and our fear into peace! What we could not do for ourselves, he has done for us.
So this Christmas, rejoice! Your Savior was born! And he was born that you might be born again. He is your Jesus, the God who saves.
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Dear Friend,
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So please request your copy of Pause: Resting in God Instead of Stressing Out when you give online today! --Jack Graham