PowerPoint - Dec. 24, 2009
The king in the manger
December 24, 2009
"…behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, "Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him."
--Matthew 2:1-2
When the wise men from the East saw that bright star hovering over the little town of Bethlehem, they knew something remarkable had taken place. According to their beliefs, such a star signified the birth of someone great. And they journeyed toward the light wondering as they traveled, "Where is he who is born king?"
These men were wise, indeed! They recognized they were in search of a king! I wonder if you could look into that manger, would you see a king? You should!
The Scripture tells us that even at his birth, in all of its simplicity and humility, Jesus was worshiped as a king. Humble shepherds came and bowed before his manger-throne. Wise men brought gifts worthy of a king. Angelic choirs praised him. The king of heaven and earth was born!
And clearly King Herod recognized this newborn as a king. This maniacal king saw Jesus as a rival to all known kingdoms, including his own.
But Jesus didn't come to rule over men, but to give himself for them!
On this Christmas Eve, make Jesus the undisputed, unrivaled king of your heart! Give him the worship and adoration he deserves.
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