PowerPoint - Dec. 28, 2009
How to enter the kingdom of God
December 28, 2009
"Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.'"
--John 3:7
Did you ever learn the story of Nicodemus? Maybe a grandparent read it to you when you were a child like my grandfather read it to me. We can learn so much from his story because Nicodemus is a portrait of many who want to know God more personally.
You see, Nicodemus was a well-known religious ruler in Jerusalem. He studied God, and he pursued God. Everyone who knew Nicodemus probably thought that he knew everything there was to know about God.
And yet, in spite of all he knew about God, Nicodemus still had a longing in his heart… a hunger that knowledge alone about God could not fill.
So Nicodemus came to Jesus one night to ask some questions. And as soon as Nicodemus said that he believed that Jesus was a teacher sent from God, Jesus went straight to the heart about what it takes to know God. He told him, "You must be born again."
And that is what Jesus is still saying to you and me today. To be born again is the inescapable need of every human heart. And it is essential if you want to enter the Kingdom of God.
I urge you to be born again. Commit your life to him today and be transformed by the saving grace and power of Jesus Christ.
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