PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

PowerPoint - December 2, 2011


The immensity of God’s love for you

December 2, 2011

… God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

Romans 5:5

Whenever I have a chance to go to the ocean and look out all the way to the horizon, I’m in awe of the greatness of God. It’s hard to imagine, then, that at sea level you can only see a little over three miles. And it’s even harder to imagine that what you’re seeing is less than a billionth of a percent of all the oceans in the world!

And that’s just the surface area. When you add in the fact that over half of the ocean is more than 10,000 feet deep, the vastness of our planet is astounding. It’s so big, in fact, that scientists estimate that we have only discovered about a tenth of the species found in the ocean!

Yet, when it comes to the love of God, that ocean is simply a drop. God’s love is so vast, so full, and so powerful that anything else we consider ‘big’ pales in comparison to its grandeur. And the best part is that this wonderful love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit.

I’ve visited prisons where I’ve seen people that society would say are unlovely. But God loves every person… and there is nothing that you can do to make God love you more or less. The love of God is not conditioned upon you. God loves you because it is His nature to love. So share His love with others no matter how ‘unlovely’ they may be!



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Stand strong for Christ in the coming year!

Dear Friend,

Over the past year, I’ve taken on a number of hot-button issues including marriage and divorce, the exclusivity of the Gospel, and the future of America.

So to help you stand strong for Christ in the coming year and give a defense for the hope that’s in you, I want to send you what I believe are my most important messages from 2011 together in one series called The Best of 2011.

In these 10 thought-provoking messages, I’ll show you how the Bible answers questions like, “How can I have a great family life?”, “Is there any other way but Jesus?”, and “What’s going to happen to our country in the coming years?”

The Best of 2011is my gift to thank you for your donation to PowerPoint this month. It’s my prayer that it would help you make and keep your new year’s resolution to grow closer with your Heavenly Father.

Thank you for your faithful gift. I’m grateful!

Jack Graham