Jack Graham Devotional - Powerpoint Daily Devotions

<< PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Powerpoint - January 30, 2013

Does God really care about the small stuff?

January 30, 2013          

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7

Dr. G. Campbell Morgan, the great preacher of a century ago, once gave a compelling sermon about how believers in Christ should bring every request before God. After the service, an elderly woman walked up to him and asked, “Dr. Morgan, should I really bring my every little request to God?  Doesn’t He have so much more to be concerned about than my little request?”

G. Campbell Morgan looked at the lady with a gleam in his eye and said, “Madam, can you conceive of anything that’s not small to God?”

Well, the obvious answer is that there is nothing that’s not small to God. Your problems in life, be they a hurt toe or deep anxiety, are well within His control and worthy of being brought before Him. Why? Because God loves you and whatever concerns you also concerns Him if you’re walking in His will.

Don’t ever think God is too big to hear your little requests. Yes, He’s the Lord of creation, but He’s also an intimate friend. Take your requests to Him and trust He’ll work every single one of them out for your good and His glory.


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Get the best from 2012 to be your best in 2013

Dear Friend,

While many pastors shy away from addressing controversial issues, I sincerely believe you need to hear straight, “bulls-eye” biblical teaching on many of today’s hot topics. Not only to grow in your faith as a believer, but to give winsome, compassionate answers to the hard questions our culture is asking.

That’s why I want to send you a special new resource today – my CD series called The Best of 2012.

This series contains 10 of my most popular and compelling messages from 2012, and it’s a resource that’s sure to help you in 2013 because it includes messages such as, “Are All Religions the Same?”, “Lessons on Leadership,” and “What Is a Christian?”

The Best of 2012 is my gift to thank you for your donation to help PowerPoint continue to proclaim God’s Word and truth ’til the whole world hears. So please request your copy when you give today.

Thank you!

Jack Graham
PowerPoint Ministries

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