Jack Graham Devotional - Powerpoint Daily Devotions

<< PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

PowerPoint - July 22, 2011


How to lead your children to Christ

July 22, 2011

Train up a child in the way he should go;
            even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

You and I live in a microwave generation. So when it comes to anything, we want to have it quickly and instantly. Now, I’m no exception. I’ll often stand in front of the microwave and think, “When is this thing ever going to get done?”

But the problem arises when we try to raise our kids like that. It just doesn’t work that way. There’s no cheap and convenient way to pass along your faith and put into your children’s lives what God wants put in their lives.

You see, parents can have children, but their responsibility doesn’t end at birth. That means day after day, they have to make it a priority to train them in the way they should go. Your career is not your priority. Your success in the eyes of the world is not your priority. Your priority is the family that God has given you.

Your kids are looking for leadership. And you know what? They’re going to find it whether it’s from you or from someone else. So be the greatest influence you can on your children as you raise them to love God and follow Christ all the days of their lives.


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Find your God-given destiny!


Dear Friend,

It’s been well said that there aren’t any shortcuts to success—just like there are no shortcuts to character. That’s why the choices you make and the actions you take are so important!

You can learn how to live out your God-given dreams in my new series based on the life of Joseph. Called Destiny: Your Future – God’s Favor, Part 2, it will show you how to discover the dreams God has for your life, and you’ll learn how those dreams can lead to your God-given purpose and destiny!

Destiny: God’s Favor – Your Future , Part 2 is my gift to thank you for your online donation to PowerPoint today, so please request yours when you give.

It is my prayer that this resource will help you to discover how God is weaving his awesome plan in your life!

Jack Graham 

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