Jack Graham Devotional - Powerpoint Daily Devotions

<< PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Powerpoint - July 26, 2012


Life is short. So what?

July 26, 2012

“And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the LORD, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

Joshua 24:15

You may remember an advertising campaign back in the 1990s by a popular running shoe with the tagline, “Life is short; play hard.” I remember thinking, when I first saw those commercials that most people probably want to live that way. Life is short; play hard! Have a blast while you last!

But I have a better theme I think everyone should follow: Life is short; think hard. Think hard because once you get to the end of your life, all your excuses will break down. That’s why we must all break down today and say, “Lord Jesus, you are my only hope and it’s You or nothing!” As you and I face the end of our ropes and the endless eternity that is before us, we must trust in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

While the world will say we need to live it up today because it’s all over once we die, the truth is that the decisions we make today will have eternal ramifications.

Yes, our life on earth is short. But our life in eternity will last forever. So choose today whom you will serve, because the choices you make today will impact where you will spend eternity. Life is short, so think hard about serving Jesus, the only One who can give you eternal life with God!


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Face the future with hope!

Dear Friend,

We live in uncertain times—with global economic problems, the threat of terrorism, natural disasters, and violence around the world. But as Christians, you and I can walk into the future with confidence and courage because God has given us hope! And He has provided a clear picture of these last days in His Word.

To help you face the future with confidence and hope, I want to send you two very special resources today: my 3-message DVD series called Israel 2011 and my 10-message CD series,Signs of the Times.

I’ll take you right to the heart of Israel in Israel 2011—to the Sea of Galilee, the Mount of Olives and more—to help you walk the footsteps of Jesus Himself and see how this wonderful land plays a part in the last days. And Signs of the Times will show you how you can be ready for Christ’s return.

These two resources are my gifts to thank you for your donation to help PowerPoint Ministries continue to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. I pray they will strengthen your faith!         

Jack Graham
PowerPoint Ministries

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