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<< PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

The New Revolution That’s Needed Today - PowerPoint - July 10

The New Revolution that’s Needed Today

July 10

Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Ephesians 6:4

Today, we celebrate the day two hundred and twenty seven years ago when our country’s forefathers declared independence. It was a day that sparked the beginning of the American Revolution – a war that gave birth to our freedoms, our liberties, and established the foundations on which our nation is built.

But our nation today is desperately in need of a new revolution. I’m not talking about throwing out a tyrannical power or bringing about a new government. Instead, I’m talking about a revolution in our homes – a revolution of our families.

Sadly, many people are more concerned with the decisions being made in the White House than they are with what’s going on in their own home. What we need is a massive turning to Jesus Christ… a revival of a love for the Lord led by parents and impressed upon their children.

When we see that kind of revival, I’m convinced we’ll see a revolution in our nation as tomorrow’s leaders humble themselves before the Lord. So let’s start a new revolution today by leading our kids to the Lord and sending them out to make an impact on the world.


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