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What Jesus Can Do with Your Darkest Sins - Powerpoint - June 21

What Jesus can do with your Darkest Sins

June 21

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.
1 John 1:7

I remember when I was young how much fun I used to have with the kids in my neighborhood. One thing we loved to do was to find a big rock, turn it over, and watch as all those foul creatures scurried away. When exposed to the light, those nasty bugs ran as fast as they could!

As I think back on that, I see a clear picture of our lives. Many people’s lives are a field of rocks – secret, dark places where they’ve allowed the enemy and his minions to fester and thrive. And the only way to make the enemy flee is to let the light of Jesus shine in those dark places!

Now, you may be thinking, “Pastor, those rocks are so big and those sins are so dark. Can Jesus really turn them over and shine His light?” And the answer is yes. All we have to do is open every area of our lives to Him and let Him do His cleansing work there. It may not be easy to do, but God is greater than any of your sins.

So whatever deep, dark sin you've been hiding, let Jesus shine there. He will renew your spirit, chase away the evil one, and transform you from the inside out. Turn over your rocks!


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