Jack Graham Devotional - Powerpoint Daily Devotions

Banish the Unofficial Luggage of Foster Care
<< PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

PowerPoint - June 28, 2007

June 28, 2007


Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.

--1 Thessalonians 4:17


I don’t know if these are the final days or not, but I do know that I want to be found walking faithfully with the Lord when He comes back. Just like Enoch in Scripture, I want to be well-pleasing to God and be a witness for Him.


A few years ago, there was a movie entitled A Walk to Remember, a beautiful and uplifting story of life and love. I want to talk with you today about a walk that’s really worth remembering, because it’s an eternal walk of life and love with Jesus Christ.


First, let me remind you that the Christian life is a life of faith from beginning to end. You became a child of God by faith…trusting in Christ for your salvation. And each day you must continue to live by faith in the One who loves you and died for you.


But as you walk by faith with Christ through life, I want to encourage you to take time to look down the corridors of time and realize that you can know with certainty that one day you’ll be with Him in heaven forever! Like our verse today promises, you have an eternity of life with God to look forward to!


So don’t let the concerns and pressures of today rob you of the joy of knowing you will one day be living with God…FOREVER! As you take this eternal walk with Christ, you can be as certain of heaven today as if you’re already there. Take time today to meditate on that truth…and thank God for this incredible hope!




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