Jack Graham Devotional - Powerpoint Daily Devotions

<< PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Powerpoint - June 6, 2012

Do you choose comfort or battle?

June 6, 2012

And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”

Luke 9:23

I read awhile ago a statistic that said 47 percent of the people who live in the state of Texas attend church regularly. That’s nearly half of an entire state! Somebody said there are more churchgoers in Texas than people! Yet, that statistic saddens me because despite having so many who claim to be Christians in the area in which I live, our faith has very little influence on our population.

What’s happened to the Church? Well for one, the Church has retreated. No longer is the Church fearless, but they’re playing it safe, avoiding confrontation at all costs. They’re scared that someone’s going to be offended. They’re afraid someone is going to put them down. And as a result, churches across our nation have moved into the safety zone.

Now this is a heart issue that lies within each individual Christian. So many buy into the world’s lies that it doesn’t really matter what you believe about God as long as it makes you happy. But as believers, we simply can’t escape the clarion call in our lives to deny ourselves, take up our crosses daily, and follow Christ.

The Christian life isn’t a world of comfort and ease—it’s not a cruise ship. Instead, it’s a battleship—a lifelong fight against the enemy to win souls for the Kingdom of God. So if you’re searching for comfort in life, change your focus to serving the One who is Life!



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Learn how to defeat your doubts!

Dear Friend,

Many believers today find it easy to have faith when times are good. But when things get tough, they struggle with doubt as the foundations of what they believe are shaken.

To help you learn to defeat your doubts, I want to send you two powerful resources: the Why Believe, Part 2 CD series and a copy of the Share the Good News®New Testament.

These two resources will help you build the kind of faith that will weather the storms of life and conquer your doubts. And they’re my gifts to thank you for your donation to help PowerPoint Ministries continue to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.

I pray these resources will strengthen and encourage you for powerful daily living!

Jack Graham

PowerPoint Ministries

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