Jack Graham Devotional - Powerpoint Daily Devotions

<< PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Powerpoint - Mar. 10, 2011

Showing God’s mercy to a watching world

March 10, 2011

Have mercy on me, O God,
            according to your steadfast love;
according to your abundant mercy
            blot out my transgressions.

Psalm 51:1

There’s a general consensus among non-believers, and even some believers, that God is just cruel and vengeful. While the Bible does say that God is angry with the wicked and judges sin, his holy wrath is always tempered by his abundant mercy.

If you ever doubt the mercy of God, just take a look at the cross. The bond between God the Father and God the Son is closer than any human bond ever could be. Think of your relationship with your spouse, parents, or children and multiply the strength of that bond exponentially. That’s just an idea of the kind of love the Father has for the Son. Yet despite that bond, the Father showed us mercy by sending his Son to die.

God loves you with a loyal love that’s full of mercy. He’s not just some cosmic grumpy old man who sits up there in the sky waiting for you to mess up so he can judge you. No, he’s a loving father who earnestly desires for you to know and love him.

But he also gives you and me the responsibility of telling others about him. And the best way to tell others about his mercy is to demonstrate it every day. So let the world see the love of Jesus Christ both in you and through you. When you live like that around others, they’ll see a window to the character of God.


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