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<< PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

Powerpoint - Mar. 28, 2012


Giving Jesus His rightful place in your life

March 28, 2012

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.

Colossians 1:15

I recently read a survey that asked people who they believe is the greatest man or woman in the history of a mankind. And at the very top of the list of the ten greatest people in human history was Jesus Christ.

Now while I’m sure that survey made some people feel good, I don’t believe you can list Jesus Christ with any other group of human beings. He’s not Jesus Christ the greatest; he is Jesus Christ the only… the firstborn over all creation who created the world and everything in it!

But I want to ask you, is Jesus great in your life? Have you invited Him into your heart to take His place as King of kings and Lord of lords? Is He fully King in your life, or does He just have a spot at the table with other idols you are living to serve?

Jesus Christ is a great man… but He’s so much more. He is the preeminent King and the God of the universe. So don’t just give Him a seat at the table of your life. Make Him first and foremost by worshipping and honoring Him with your entire life!



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Get a glimpse of eternitynow!

Dear Friend,

Heaven is so much more than a place believers go when they die. In fact, the reality of heaven should be what helps us live every day to the fullest right now!

So to give you a better glimpse of the wonderful reward that awaits you—and to help you live each day in light of that promise—I want to send you my 5-message series called Eternity Now.

In this eye-openingseries, you’ll not only be encouraged as you learn about the eternal, glorious home God has prepared for you as a believer. You’ll be strengthened to make a difference in the world today.

So please request a copy of Eternity Now on CD or DVD when you give an online gift to help PowerPoint reach more people with the hope of eternal life. Along with Eternity Now, I will also send you a copy of my CD The Reality of Angels.

It’s our prayer this series helps you live in light of eternity… now!           

Jack Graham
PowerPoint Ministries

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