Jack Graham Devotional - Powerpoint Daily Devotions

<< PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

PowerPoint - Mar. 6, 2009

March 6, 2009

If God is for us, who can be against us?

--Romans 8:31

No one escapes trials in life. When pursuing your God-given dreams, you are on a collision course with challenges and disappointments. But these don’t have to derail your destiny! 

Here are a few things you and I need to remember when going through hard times.

Number one, remember God is in control. So don’t demand to understand all the challenges in life. Just trust in God’s plan.

Secondly, remain faithful no matter what the cost. Don’t give up and quit on your dream no matter what you face. Ask God to give you the strength to stay faithful to what He’s called you to do. 

Third, reject bitterness. Refuse to allow disappointment to cause a root of bitterness to spring forth in your life. There’s nothing Satan would like more than to let unforgiveness to distract you from God’s plan for your life.

And finally, rest in the providence of God. Be assured that His invisible hand is working in you and in your life. Don’t try to push or manipulate God’s will for your life. 

Wait for God’s timing, and in due season, you will get a better picture of why God allowed you to go through your trials and failures.



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