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How God Can Turn Your Mess into a Masterpiece - Powerpoint - March 27

How God Can Turn Your Mess into a Masterpiece

March 27

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Galatians 2:20

Several years ago, a noted violinist was playing a concert to a very prominent crowd. He walked out on stage and showed the audience his violin. He told them, “This violin is a Stradivarius, one of the rarest and most valuable violins in the world.”

The violinist then proceeded to play one of the most beautiful tunes the audience had ever heard on his violin. But after he was finished and the crowd had applauded heartily, he took that violin and broke it into a thousand pieces.

A collective gasp could be heard throughout the auditorium. So after a few moments of silence, that violinist said, “That wasn’t actually a Stradivarius violin. I bought it today at a pawn shop for 40 dollars. But I did this to make a point: the violinist is much more important than the violin.” With that, he brought out the real Stradivarius and finished his concert.

What’s true in music is true with people. It’s not the talent or charisma of people, but the one who’s making the music that matters. I realized long ago that I was just an old violin… completely inadequate on my own. But in the hands of the Master, He can make beautiful music in both my life and yours as well!


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