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<< PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

PowerPoint - November 21, 2011


The key to growing in humility

November 21, 2011

“He must increase, but I must decrease.”          

John 3:30

It’s interesting to examine the life of the apostle Paul as he grew in the grace of God. Not only did he come to a better understanding of God Himself, but he also increased in his humility with regards to his own greatness. Take a look for yourself:  

In A.D. 49, when Paul wrote his letter to the Galatians, he introduced himself as Paul, an apostle. Then, 7 years later in A.D. 56, he wrote in 1 Corinthians 15:9 that he was “the least of the apostles.” And then, in A.D. 61, he described himself in Ephesians 3:8 as the “very least of the saints.” Then finally in A.D. 66, as he’s coming to the end of the road, he speaks to young Timothy and describes himself in 1Timothy 1:15 as the foremost of sinners.

You see, there was a direct correlation between Paul’s growth in Christ and his humility. The more he knew God, the more he realized just how far short of God’s grace he fell!

As you grow in your relationship with Christ, you’ll too realize how great Jesus is and how much you fall short of that greatness. But instead of letting that discourage you, let it create in you a deep sense of humility, knowing that while you’ve been given much more than you deserve, Jesus still gives abundantly!



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Discover God’s plan for these last days!


Dear Friend,

When it comes to thinking about the end times, so many questions come to mind: What are the signs of Christ’s coming? What’s God’s plan for me in these days? Does the nation of Israel play a role?

And while these questions can seem daunting, it’s such comfort to know that God has given you and me everything we need to know right in His Word.

So to help you better understand God’s plan for the last days, I want to send you a special end-times ministry combo pack containing my brand new three-message DVD series filmed in Israel called Israel 2011, along with my ten-message CD series called Signs of the Times.

In Israel 2011, I’ll take you right to where Christ’s greatest miracles took place: the empty tomb, the Sea of Galilee, and the Mount of Olives, where you’ll learn about the eternal importance of this ancient land. And in Signs of the Times, I’ll show you how you can know God’s purpose for you in these uncertain days!

This special end-times combo pack is my gift to thank you for your online donation to support the broadcast ministry of PowerPoint. It’s my prayer that these two powerful resources will help you step into the future with confidence and clarity!

And thank you for your gift to impact more lives with the Good News of Jesus Christ. You are truly a blessing!

Jack Graham


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