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<< PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

PowerPoint - September 12, 2011


How to find peace amidst life’s pressures

September 12, 2011

… I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.

Philippians 4:11-12

There’s a popular prayer that I’ve heard known as the Serenity Prayer. My father-in-law used to love this prayer. In fact, even many of the more secular support groups use this prayer. It goes like this:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change; courage to change the things that I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

This is exactly the sentiment that the apostle Paul expressed in today’s passage. It’s the attitude that, no matter what happens, you can fully trust in the stability, the security, and the sufficiency of our God who gives strength for every situation.

Now, anybody can have peace and satisfaction when things are going well. But what about when all hell breaks loose in your life? That’s the time to lean on a faithful God who can hold you up.

I think it’s about time that many in the church today learned to lean on the Lord and say “God, take the pressure off of me. I’m not strong enough to bear it, but You are.”

So whatever your circumstance, give your cares to God and say, “Lord, I trust You! You are more powerful than my pressures! You are mightier than my mountains! I give my cares to You.” When you do that, He’ll give you a peace greater than you could ever imagine!


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Find real freedom from the worries of life!


Dear Friend,

If you’re like many people today, you probably spend so much time and energy just trying to keep up that you rarely get a chance to simply unplug. And when the stresses and worries of life overwhelm you, they drain the joy God wants you to have.

That’s why I want to send you my brand new 5-message CD series called Sheltered. In it, I’ll take you to some of the most beloved Psalms to show you how God shelters and protects you no matter what you may be experiencing in life.

In addition to Sheltered, I also want to help you jump-start your prayer life by sending you my prayer journal called 30 Days to Powerful Prayer.

This special ministry combination pack is my gift to thank you for your online gift to PowerPoint today. I truly hope it blesses you as you discover the shelter you can have from life’s worries and cares.

Thank you for your gift. You are truly a blessing!

Jack Graham

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