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<< PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

The Blessing of Diversity in the Body of Christ - Powerpoint - September 6

The Blessing of Diversity in the Body of Christ

September 6

And they sang a new song, saying,
“Worthy are you to take the scroll
      and to open its seals,
for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God
      from every tribe and language and people and nation,”

Revelation 5:9

I’m always amazed when I look at my family and notice the stark differences between every person in it. Each of my children looks different, has a distinct personality, and likes different things than the others.

Now, if kids who share a similar genetic makeup are all different in their own ways, then mom and dad are going to be more different, and extended family all the more. Yet, despite the many differences we have between us and our family members, it doesn’t change their status as our relatives. They’re related to us no matter what… nothing can change that!

The same is true of the family of God. When we come together with other believers from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and walks of life, there’s going to be some differences between us. But the unity we share in Christ is so much stronger than what divides us.

The body of Christ consists of a wonderful array of people from all different stripes. But look past the differences and focus on what unites us: our common love for our Savior, and a boundless grace only He can give!


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