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<< PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

PowerPoint - September 20, 2011


The reality of God in your life

September 20, 2011

So we are always of good courage. We know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not by sight.

2 Corinthians 5:6-7

I was reading an article not long ago about what scientists call ‘parallel realities.’ Essentially, it means an unseen reality that exists alongside something that is seen. You and I may not see it or fully experience it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not real.

You see, every person has his own perceived reality. But beyond that concept of reality there are also unseen realities. For example, a blind person has never seen a cloud, but that doesn’t mean clouds don’t exist. In fact, they’re just as real for the blind person as they are for someone who can walk outside and see them.

And certainly, this concept is true concerning faith as well. I’ve never personally seen God. In fact, the Bible says no one has (John 1:18). And I’ve never shaken hands with Jesus Christ. But I believe that God is more real than the words on this page.

I’ve heard people say that when it comes to faith, “Give me something of substance. Give me something real.” Well, faith is real! In fact, faith in God will be around long after this world is gone and finished.

So when it comes to your faith, get rid of any abstract ethereal concept of God because He is more real than anything you’ll ever experience!



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Find real freedom from the worries of life!


Dear Friend,

If you’re like many people today, you probably spend so much time and energy just trying to keep up that you rarely get a chance to simply unplug. And when the stresses and worries of life overwhelm you, they drain the joy God wants you to have.

That’s why I want to send you my brand new 5-message CD series called Sheltered. In it, I’ll take you to some of the most beloved Psalms to show you how God shelters and protects you no matter what you may be experiencing in life.

In addition to Sheltered, I also want to help you jump-start your prayer life by sending you my prayer journal called 30 Days to Powerful Prayer.

This special ministry combination pack is my gift to thank you for your online gift to PowerPoint today. I truly hope it blesses you as you discover the shelter you can have from life’s worries and cares.

Thank you for your gift. You are truly a blessing!

Jack Graham

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