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<< PowerPoint Today from Pastor Jack Graham

PowerPoint - September 4, 2012

Why are God’s standards so high?

September 4, 2012

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

John 14:6

It’s an interesting study to observe how exclusiveness has been largely rejected by Americans today. Much of this stems from the civil rights movement, which rightly rejected the notions of “whites only” at certain establishments and “men only” where women should be included as well.

But if you’re very honest, you’d have to say there are times when exclusiveness is a good thing. If you’re having surgery, you want someone operating on you who’s been to medical school. And if you’re going to have someone watch your kids, you wouldn’t just pick a random person off the street. That’s because when the stakes are high, our standards must be high as well!

When Jesus told people He was the only way to God, He made a very exclusive statement. Now, this troubles people who want to be inclusive because it seems like Jesus isn’t being fair. But the truth is that the stakes are God’s holiness—and holiness can’t be compromised by allowing sin in its presence.

Jesus’ holiness is the standard for eternal life. And because of that, He’s the only way we’ll ever get to experience heaven. So thank God today that He offers you eternal life if you’ll trust in Jesus to save you!


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