Time with God Daily Devotional by John North

<< Time With God, with John North

Time with God - June 12

Wednesday 12th June 2019

Psalm 1:3

“He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.”

What a promise God has made to us! Be careful not to make the promise say what you want it to say. It doesn’t mean that if a 50-year old man tries out for a professional basketball team, he will be one of its top players!

It doesn’t say whatever he does prospers, but rather that he himself prospers, no matter what he does. You may have thought that being blessed by God means that you are making top marks at school, or that your business is booming, or that the person you are interested in is also crazy about you. And those are great blessings.

But what this Psalm is telling us is that even when your business is not prospering, you can be prospering—in your inner life! Even when your heart-throb doesn’t love you back, you can still be finding joy in your relationship with God.

Do you see God’s invitation to you in this Psalm? He is inviting you to go deeper than surface Christianity. He is inviting you to really walk close to him, to measure your Christianity by more than your bank balance. To find out that life’s greatest blessing happens inside you, not outside. To know that the richest person is the person whose inner life is in tune with God. Are you prospering on the inside?

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