Time With God, with John North

Time with God - Mar. 10, 2010

Wednesday 106th March

2 Timothy 3:16

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness

The Bible is our instruction manual!

When you buy a new piece of equipment, the maker supplies an instruction manual with it, to help you get the most from it. If you don't follow the instructions in the manual it voids your warranty and can lead to disaster.

Someone has said that B-I-B-L-E stands for `Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth'. When God placed us here on earth, He provided an instruction manual so that we could make the most of our lives. How foolish we would be not to study that manual!

The Bible is "profitable for teaching"—that is, it shows us how to live life. It guides us with God's life-principles. Life is good and right when we live life God's way. The Bible is also "for reproof"—when we go off God's path for our lives He uses the Bible to get our attention show us where we went wrong.

And the Bible is also "for correction"—it shows us the way back to God. Very often God uses His Word to convict us about steps we need to take in our spiritual lives. And the Bible is "for training in righteousness"—when we have renewed our walk with God the Bible keeps us going that way.

Take a moment to speak with God about what His Word means to you.

For more from John North and Ambassadors for Christ International, please click here.