Time With God, with John North

Time with God - Mar. 27, 2013

Romans 8:29

For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren.

God is actively pursuing transformation in your life. He is working in you to make you more and more like Jesus!

The “image of God” was severely damaged in the first man and woman when they disobeyed God, and we have inherited that damage. But God is working in your life to restore in you the “image of His Son”.

As we saw in yesterday’s reading, God will use every kind of circumstance and influence in your life to accomplish this inner transformation. If you choose to embrace what God is trying to do in your life (and not just grit your teeth grudgingly), then you will grow by leaps and bounds in your spiritual life and this inner growth will overflow in the way that you live.

But if you resist what God is trying to do in your life, then He will have to resort to more and more drastic means to get your attention and turn your heart back to what really matters. As a result, your spiritual growth will be stunted.

Many of the things God wants to change in us can mean painful lessons, but if you want to grow, you must respond to Him in all things. Let the lessons drive you deeper into Him.

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