Time with God Daily Devotional by John North

<< Time With God, with John North

Time with God - March 16

Monday, 16 March 2020

John 6:6

“He said this to test him, for he himself knew what he would do.”

Jesus will work in your impossible situation through you!

When Jesus fed the five thousand, he didn't do it apart from the disciples. Yes, he first waited for them to acknowledge that the resources they had were not enough to meet the situation. If all these people were to be fed, Jesus would have to do the miraculous.

But still, Jesus involved those around him as he did what only he could do. A boy donated his small lunch. The disciples risked looking like fools as they invited thousands of people to sit down to a meal consisting of that boy's lunch. As Jesus kept breaking the bread and dividing the fish into enough food to satisfy the whole crowd, it was the disciples who served it to those waiting.

From beginning to end it was Jesus' miracle, but he did the miracle as the disciples acted on their faith.

Today God is teaching you that he works that way in your life too. It is as you act on God's word, trusting him for what only he can do, that he moves with power in your impossible situation.

When you face an overwhelming challenge, remember who God is, trust that he wants to use you in this situation, ask him to help you see what he is up to, make yourself available and act in faith.

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