Time With God, with John North

Time with God - March 27

Monday 27th March, 2023

Proverbs 25:4

“Take away the dross from the silver, and the smith has material for a vessel.”

What is there that hinders God’s work in your life? Get rid of it!

The Hebrew dictionary defines dross as “that which was separated from precious metal”. God is in the process of refining you, bringing out all the beauty of who he created you to be. That beauty may have been buried under the dirt of how you were treated in the past; it may have been obscured by your sin nature, which puts self first, instead of God. But God is unearthing it and purifying it. In the end, he will have a beautiful work of silver to display his glory and grace.

God is inviting you to join him in this work, to look at your life and see what there is that you can remove in order to make you more fruitful for God and more sensitive to his leading. What takes up your time and keeps you from spending time with God? It may not be a sinful activity, but just a distraction from the best thing. Get rid of it. What distracts you and uses up your energy that should be given to something else? Get rid of it.

“Take away the dross from the silver, and the smith has material for a vessel.” Embrace how God is crafting you. He has a good purpose!

For the iPhone app and more from John North and Ambassadors For Christ International, click here.