Time With God, with John North

Time with God - November 26

Monday 26th November

Romans 1:15

“So I am eager to preach the gospel to you also who are in Rome.”

We can always be looking for ways to share Christ with people!

In the previous verse, Paul shared that he had an obligation to share the gospel with people. But now he says that sharing Christ was not a horrible duty that he dragged around. Rather, he was excited to find opportunities to preach the gospel.

If you don’t really get excited about the message of what Jesus has done for us, you don’t really understand it. Once I see how sinful I am, and what it meant for righteous, pure, holy Jesus to take my sin on himself and face the righteous anger and judgment of God the Father for me, and how God reached into my life and drew me to himself — once I really grasp that, I will be so passionate about that message!

And once I am passionate about it, I’ll be like someone with fantastic news who is just bursting to share it with those around me. A person who is bursting to share good news looks for ways to bring it up in conversation. A person who is passionate about something finds a way to turn people’s attention to that thing.

God wants you to be passionate about what Jesus Christ has done for you! Who can you share Christ with today?

Finish this thought: “I’m excited about the message of Jesus because I’ve seen this change in my life:

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