Time With God, with John North

Time with God - November 6

Friday 6th November

John 3:34

“For he whom God has sent utters the words of God, for he gives the Spirit without measure.”

When you start a conversation for Jesus, trust God to give you the words!

Just as the Father gave Jesus the Spirit when he sent him out into the world, so Jesus gives you the Spirit when he sends you out into the world. That’s why you can start conversations with totally non-churched people with confidence. He will guide the conversation as you invite him to use you in that person’s life.

God wants you develop the habit of listening to him while speaking to the people in your life. If he has sent you into that conversation, then you can be sure he wants to work through you in it.

When you ask someone a question that could lead to a significant conversation, relax! It isn’t up to you to make it go in that direction. That’s the Spirit’s job. If the conversation doesn’t go where you hoped it would, trust God with it. His timing is perfect.

As you converse, in the back of your mind also be talking to God, asking him to speak through you, inviting the Holy Spirit to do his work through you. You know he is waiting for you to let him take the lead in your life.

Write down a question you could ask that could lead to a significant spiritual conversation today:

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