Time With God - Sept. 2, 2009
Wednesday 2nd September
In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace which He lavished on us.
Forgiveness is in God’s nature!
We often think that it is only with great effort that God can bring Himself to show us grace and to offer us forgiveness. Sometimes we even go further and say in our hearts, “God could not forgive me again. I cannot even approach God, because He must be so disgusted with me after I have failed Him again!”
But both of these thoughts are wrong. God does not bring Himself to a point of being able to show grace towards us. No! Grace is His natural instinctive reaction toward us, because He is gracious.
Never think that you cannot go to God with your sin. He is constantly waiting for that turning to Him, no matter how far down the road of sin you have gone. If you read the books of 1 & 2 Kings, you will see a nation (Israel) that kept on rebelling against God in the most horrible ways. And yet, every time they turned back to God, He was so ready to accept their repentance and welcome them back into fellowship with Him and once again begin to deal with them as His dear children.
God has not changed. He loves to lavish the riches of His grace on you.
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