Time With God, with John North

Time with God - Sept. 2, 2011

2 Timothy 2:3-10

Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus…For this reason I endure all things for the sake of those who are chosen, so that they also may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus and with it eternal glory.

Don’t forget what the battle is about!

The battle is about what God is doing to draw more and more people to turn to Him for forgiveness and a new life empowered and directed by Him. That is what God has been working for in this world all along. It is the reason why He has not brought history to a conclusion yet. It is why He has left you on earth instead of taking you straight to heaven.

God wants you to know that He wants to use you today, and tomorrow, and the day after that, to help the people in your life move towards Christ. As you pray about your day today, focus your prayers, not on your wants, but on your relationships. Ask God to use you in those relationships to help those people take one small step closer to Him today.

Then look for God’s answer as you spend time with people today. Look for any chance to have a spiritual conversation, to talk about what God means in your life, or how He has changed your life, or something you learned from Scripture this week.

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