Time With God, with John North

Time with God - September 23

Saturday, 23 September 2023

1 Chronicles 29:3

“Moreover, in addition to all that I have provided for the holy house, I have a treasure of my own of gold and silver, and because of my devotion to the house of my God I give it to the house of my God.”

Is your devotion set on the house of God?

When David was ruling over Israel, he asked God if he could build him a temple. God denied David that opportunity and told him that Solomon would be the one to build God a house.

Yet in Chronicles chapter 29 we find an account of David gathering the shakers and movers of Israel and asking them to come to the Lord with their hands full and donate in order to build the temple.

David gave generously to build the temple even though he wasn’t going to enjoy the temple. David was never going to worship in the temple yet his devotion was set on the house of God. And he knew that although he wouldn’t be able to enjoy the temple the generation that came after him would.

How’s your devotion towards the house of the Lord—your local fellowship of believers who represent God in the world?

Do you unknowingly have a consumer mentality when it comes to church? Do you come to church meetings simply to get something out of it that blesses you—a sweet message and powerful worship?

Or do you invest your time, money, energy to grow and strengthen the body of Christ? Even though you might not get any return for your investment here on earth, know that your contribution will impact the generations to come.

Stop for a moment and think about your devotion for Christ’s church and what you give of yourself and your things to the church. Let’s be like David who went above and beyond his tithe to prepare the temple. Look for how much you can sow into your local body of believers, not just for what you can get out of it.

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